Cherry (Beta) - Compare & Authenticate News

2021年03月27日 新闻与天气


Cherry (Beta) - Compare & Authenticate News


Become aware of other viewpoints when you read the news. Authenticate news by your own merit and balance your views.


Click on the Cherry button when you read articles from leading news publications, and Cherry will present you the same news story, as covered by other news sources. These sources represent a variety of political views.

This is the best way to get a more balanced understanding of events as they unfold, as well as validating their authenticity.
In addition, Cherry helps you understand the other side and open your mind to different viewpoints, no matter who you are or what your political affiliation is.
Our vision is a less-divided society, where people are free to gain perspectives, seamlessly and effortlessly.

You can expect cherry to trigger some of the time when you read articles of 8 leading publications in the US, including The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Washington Times, CNN, Fox News, NPR and The National Review. Cherry may also work part of the time as you read articles of other publications, provided that these are English articles.

Unlike other services, here at Cherry we don’t collect any personal information about you or about your browsing habits whatsoever. We only collect general statistical product usage data, but that’s about it. We honor your privacy, because we believe that privacy means freedom.

---- More about Cherry: ----

In today’s confusion, everyone is right and everyone is wrong. Trust everyone, don’t believe anyone. All news is real news, all news is fake news. The only way for you to get over this hassle is reading from different sources and hearing other points of view. We believe in the integrity of people, and their ability to balance between different opinions, in order to form one of their own.

Cherry is based on state-of-the-art machine-learning technology and artificial intelligence algorithms that enable you to grow your perspective and evolve.

Understanding the other side and accepting other views is a key ingredient for a pluralistic world and a true democratic society, based on values of freedom, freedom of speech and freedom of expression.
Let’s celebrate our democracy and our differences, and learn to accept others and their opinions!











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