Sticky Notes - Just popped up!
Most beautiful, easiest, fastest note taking experience. Animated Themes, Fonts, Backup etc. (See demo)插件详情
Sticky Notes - A perfect tool for taking quick notes. Its fast, secure, and private. A must tool for everyone.RECENT UPDATES:
** Latest Release (March 2019) **
1. Added more themes & fonts.
2. Improved login & backup
3. Improved app stability
** Update 2.0.1 (Jan 2019) **
1. Multiple notes
2. Animated themes
3. Better fonts
4. Backup to servers
5. Print
** Update 1.9.7 (Feb 2018) **
1. Valentine's Day theme added to Note
** Update 1.9.6 (Jan 2018) **
1. Added more themes, fonts & settings.
** Update 1.9.5 (Nov 2017) **
1. Added most awaited donation option. Now you can support the developers and get new features faster.
** Update 1.9.4 (Nov 2016) **
1. "Always on top" removed from sticky notes. Reason: "Panel" support was removed from the Google Chrome.
** Update 1.9 (April 2016) **
1. "Always on top" added in sticky note.
** Update 1.8.4 (Jan 2016) **
1. Last character entered bug fixed
2. improved app stability and looks
3. user can now download or print note
** Update 1.8.2 (June '15) **
1. Initial load performance boost
2. Sticky notes can now be popped out of the chrome
3. Improved menu UI
** Update 1.8 (May '15) **
1. Added option to change popup size
2. Additional themes, font size
3. Few bug fixes
4. Facebook sharing
** Update 1.7 (August '14) **
1. Multi-device sync settings.
2. Improved Security
3. Better optimized notes sync algorithm.
4. Fixed rightclick Copy/Paste bug.
** Update 1.6 (August '14) **
1. Improved overall looks of the app.
** Update 1.5 (July '14) **
1. Option to change "Font Style"
2. Option to change "Font Size"
3. Option to choose "Theme" for your note.
4. Added "WhatsApp support".
** Update 1.2 (2013) **
1. Added Multiple device Sync. [the limit is 4000 character as of now.]
Read more at:
PS: Data is not lost even if you empty chrome's cache or cookies. Cheers! Happy note taking.
语言:English (United States)
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