Bridge Solver

2024年11月22日 娱乐


Bridge Solver


This extension extract bridge hands from results pages and load them into Bridge Solver Online


For Bridge players, this extension can extract bridge hands directly from hand diagrams on web pages hosted on ACBL (several diagram formats, including ACBLmerge), ACBL Live, ACBL Common Game, BridgeWebs, Pianola, Bridge Base Online (movie links), EBU Sims, ECatsBridge Sims,,, and It then loads the hands into Bridge Solver Online.

Bridge Solver Online is an interactive bridge hand analyser utilising Bo Haglund's well known double dummy solver module. It can calculate makeable contracts, par contracts and par scores for any bridge hand. It allows the player to select a contract and play the hand interactively to investigate various lines of play. On the opening lead the maximum number of tricks that can be made by the defenders for each possible lead is shown, assuming optimum subsequent play by the declarer and defenders. After each card is played the same information is shown for the next position, the optimum cards being highlighted in green at each stage.

To acquire hands from a web page simply navigate to the results page in the browser. When this extension has detected a page containing one or more bridge hands, the bridge solver icon at the right hand side of the address bar changes to a green background. Clicking on the icon will then launch Bridge Solver Online in a new browser tab and upload the hand(s) to it. If no bridge hands are detected on the results page the icon shows a white background. Clicking on the icon in this case brings up a web page inviting the user to input a hand or browse to a PBN, DLM, or bridge base online LIN file stored on their computer.

Also, clicking on a download link for a PBN, DLM, or bbo LIN file will download the file and then load it into Bridge Solver Online.

If required, clicking on the "Save" button in Bridge Solver Online will download the hands as a PBN file.
v0.9 - Fixed issue that was preventing recognition of some BBO hand diagrams
v0.8 - Can now also recognise BBO hand diagrams that don't include Dealer, Board Number, and Vulnerability
v0.7.1 - Now works with urls starting with file:/// as well as http:// and https://
v0.6 - Handle modified format of some ACBL pages
v0.5 - Modified to use https protocol
v0.4 - Added support for hand acquisition from ACBL Live web pages
v0.3 - Updated for compatibility with BridgeWebs release 2.19k and later











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